Monday, June 15, 2009

Musings from the week

- Whether dogs molt.
- Gummy worms, yea or nay?
- Whether underwire bras can cause breast cancer (Really?! Reason to freak out #5932).
- Speculation on the integrity of the Iranian election and the government's response to civil unrest.
- The relative merits of small town parades that, in this instance, feature a float of port-a-potties (pun intended).
- Older lady hairstyles. Ponytails after 50? Ill advised.
- Kathy Lee Gifford (Reason to freak out #5933).
- The much anticipated expiration date on the phrase "staycation."


Streets of Stamford said...

Don't forget about "daycation" and "nocation." Ugh. Why do people love stupid portmanteau puns? Or should I say punmanteaus?

Poems in Search of Pictures said...

Agreed - although my dad's spin on it was pretty clever, calling his retirement buddy trip to Vegas a "graycation"

Streets of Stamford said...

I wonder if "gaycation" has caught on with the rainbow crowd. Probably not; they have too much style for bad puns.

Poems in Search of Pictures said...

Or fat camp as "weighcation"? Adulterous weekends as "straycations"? Ok, ok...I'm now officially part of the problem...