I say that, in large part, because we took a sledgehammer to the baby vomit colored cabinets and the scratch and dent appliances. We got new everything, from floor to ceiling. Although it cost approximately four bajillion dollars, it made me pants wettingly happy.
If you, dear citizen, wake up to a kitchen that puts you to sleep - read on!
A lovely lady who works for a production company called RIVR Media contacted me today to say that she is casting for a new TV show in our area. She needs just the right folks - they should love to cook, feel passionate about food and (most exciting of all) want a free kitchen makeover!
If this describes you or someone you would like to nominate, write to kitchenmakeovershow@gmail.com. Be sure to include the following information:
1. Your name, address, phone number, occupation, age and relationship to nominee
2. Your nominee's name, address, occupation and age
3. Photo of you (2 pictures max)
4. Photo of nominee (2 pictures max)
5. Photos of the nominee's kitchen (3 pictures max)
6. Tell us why you are nominating this person (love of cooking, favorite food to cook, favorite restaurants, favorite chefs and what she/he doesn't like about their current kitchen). The more personality/detail the better!
You have to include all that good stuff if you would like to be considered. And one more thing - put the name of your city in the subject line and where you saw this posting (Stamford Notes, of course).
Good luck!
(photo from sndrspk, flickr.com)
Thanks for the info! Do you know if there's a deadline?
Nice! If only we owned our place... :(
The info I got didn't have a deadline, but it did say things like "act now" and "casting immediately"
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