The Center has also revamped Heckscher Farm and offers extended hours to 7pm. Take a walk on their luminary path and sip some hot chocolate that will cost you nada. There are also crafts for kids and cookies for all!
For more information on the Center's excellent and festive events, click below:
Planetarium Show: The Star of Bethlehem
Dolls, Toys & Teddy Bears: Playthings of Yesteryear
Visions of Gingerbread: The Sweetest Architects (scroll down)
Christmas Tree Sale
For those of you who need it, CT Transit will run buses to this event as well.
(photo from Pink Sherbet Photography, flickr.com)
Not everyone who rides the bus "needs" the bus. Some find it more convenient, safer, and less expensive than dragging a ton of steel with us everywhere we go. But thanks for noting that CT Transit runs to the Nature Center.
Kinda like how although I'm not an alcoholic, this comment makes me need a drink.
Happy to help.
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