Domino Magazine folded in January, and I’m still in denial. In an effort to relive its “10 Things That Make Me Happy” section, and because I’m feeling lazy, I’ve decided to write a tribute Stamford Notes’ 10 Things That Are Swell:
- Handfuls of candy care of Bob’s Discount Furniture (flavored Tootsie Rolls…drool…).
- Summer charity events like Kayak for a Cause.
- The Hurt Locker (playing at the Majestic 6 on Summer).
- The chicken salad at Lucky’s.
- Late Sunday afternoon at the Bartlett’s Summer Concert Series (enjoyed tonight’s act, Charlotte Kendrick)
- The Francis Bacon exhibit at The Met (As a gay man growing up as a Protestant in early 20th century Ireland surround by abusive alcoholics, it’s not shocking that Bacon’s quoted as saying “I remember looking at dog s**t on the pavement and I suddenly realized, there it is- that is what life is like.” If you can eek out something good from it nonetheless, that’s pretty awesome.)
- Connecticut is slated to receive $1.5 billion in stimulus money. Whatever you think about the stimulus in general, it’s hard to thumb your nose at a ridiculously large check.
- Playing with other peoples’ babies and returning them when they cry.
- Bellinis at Ferrante.
- The fact that last Saturday, a nudist camp in Woodstock, CT tried to break a skinny dipping record and the Hartford Courant has a slide show of pictures.
3 days ago
Are you doing Kayak for a Cause? My Love will if her back holds up this year.
And Lucky's also seems to be the only place in town that serves Yuengling beer, so it get extra points from me.
Luckys chicken with Pear salad- amazing!!!
GAAAH! You should put a warning with that slideshow: "EVERY PERSON IN THIS SLIDESHOW IS 130 YEARS OLD."
Gotta love free candy, but man do they stalk you when you walk into Bob's.
made you look! Hahahahahaha...
I LOVED that tactful slide show!
And thanks for the chicken salad tip- I also love chicken salad.
Your notes were right on! Although I will add, that it's also nice to have your own baby whose crying you actually know how to fix- it's very empowering (and such a relief after years of never being able to help slove other people's crying babies).
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